“Everyone an Island After All?” is an approach to public space based on the images that shape it. These images are, on the one hand, presented to us by the public space, but at the same time and through interaction, they are also the (world) images with which we enter such spaces. They are shaped by inclusion and exclusion, structures of power and violence, consumption, history(-ies) and representation. Since May 2023, “Everyone an Island After All?” as an exhibition, research, and series of talks, has been pursuing the images we can (could) imagine instead and thus also the self-critical question: which society for Current Art?
The project does not see itself as a result, but as a starting point for deviation, alienation and rapprochement. The exhibition focuses on the relationship between observation and action and how these relate to time, space and movement. The artistic works do not follow a strict narrative or argumentative line and locate themselves instead in borderlands. The dialogues consist of (semi-)public meetings and conversations between a group of artists from Bremen and external guests. What is the (Bremen) public space actually about?
Exhibition: Loretta Fahrenholz, Sonia Gomes, Chris Reinecke, Tarona, Annette Wehrmann
Dialogues: Hodan-Ali Farah, Aria Farajnezhad, Anneli Käsmayr, Till Krause, Effrosyni Kontogeorgou, Bubu Mosiashvili, Nyabinghi Lab, Claudia Piepenbrock, Tim Reinecke, Dana Reina Téllez, Tropez, Doris Weinberger
Thu, 07. 09., 18-21 h
Käsmayr, Krause & Weinberger
In the Bürgerpark
Walking, Talking, Eating, Listening
> Group size limited, registration at GAK required
Fri, 08.09., 19 h
Doch alle eine Insel? (Teil II)
Thu, 21.09., 17-20 h
Hodan-Ali Farah & Dana Reina Téllez + Nyabinghi Lab (Saskia Köbschall, Anguezomo Mba Bikoro)
Weaving Roots: a loud and silent conversation/walk around (urban) space, colonial past, movement, decoloniality and the imaginal
> No registration required, please be at the meeting point on time
Thu, 28.09., 16-18 h
Sophie Boysen (Tropez, Berlin), Effrosyni Kontogeorgou, Doris Weinberger
Hal över Tropez
Conversation, movement and game on bathing place as heterotopia, body cultures, ruptures of everyday life and art as part of leisure
> Group size limited, registration at GAK required
Thu, 02.11., 18:30 h
Curator’s tour with Annette Hans
Der Senator für Kultur der Freien Hansestadt Bremen