This group exhibition is the beginning of a search for a politics of friendship in connection with the question, which Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst (which translates to „Society for Contemporary Art“). Friendship here does not mean – in the narrow sense – being together with friends, but (following Céline Condorelli and others) living with and acknowledging differences, persons alive and dead, objects, books, thoughts, contexts and environments – for example. The intention here is not to dissolve the self, but to permanently reconfigure it, to be open and friendly to other without leveling it or making an Other out of it. A politics of friendship concerns the actions, representations and aesthetics with which we depict and also form certain understandings and a behavior towards the world.
In this sense, the exhibition gathers works by artists who propose or develop other forms of movement and a different language. They negotiate time periods of and approaches to thinking, relationships to material as well as to territories. All these aspects are linked to conflicts, power relations and contradictions, but also to possibilities.
Complementary to the exhibition
→ RA Walden: feladŷifâ / feladŷi, dust? / dust, 2022. Clear glass, argon and neon gas, blackout paint, power supplies. Riso printed text.
Commissioned by GAK Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst for the exhibition Crossing an empty beach to look at the ocean, 4 June till 28 August 2022
Produced with the support of the economic stimulus program Neustart Kultur of Kulturstiftung der Länder: Kulturgemeinschaften – Förderprogramm für digitale Content-Produktion in Kultureinrichtungen.
feladŷifâ / feladŷi
dust? / dust
dust is the universal substance. fine
particles of solid matter: skin cells,
soil, pollen, textile fibres, paper fibres,
meteorite particles once burning at
1726 degrees centigrade. fugitive dust
seeks respite from the wind, battered
by aeolian processes and human/animal
interference into mounds, thin layers,
soft grey piles in corners of rooms
in ẍây ithřan, feladŷifâ / feladŷi is a call
and response oral tradition used to
remind the speaker of the finite nature of
all things:
“dust?” one asks, “dust.” another confirms
Video & Voice: Linda Valerie Ewert
Editing / Production: RA Walden
> Download text here
Eglė Budvytytė (with Marija Olšauskaitė and Ona Julija Lukas Steponaitytė)
Catalina González González
Ida Lennartsson
Atsushi Mannami
Martha Rosler
RA Walden
Curated by Annette Hans
Fri, 03.06.22, 7 pm
*At the same time, Weserburg Museum für Moderne Kunst die Ausstellung opens the exhibition „Silvia Bächli. Lange Linien lang“. Afterwards we celebrate together in the neighboring TAU.
Sa, 18.06.22, 6 pm – midnight
Long Night of Bremen Museums
Thu, 07.07., 7 pm
Guided tour
Sun, 28.08., 3 pm
Guided tour
The GAK is supported by Senator für Kultur, Freie Hansestadt Bremen
The exhibition is supported by Karin and Uwe Hollweg Stiftung, Bremen, and Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien in connection with the economic stimulus program Neustart Kultur of Kulturstiftung der Länder: Kulturgemeinschaften – Förderprogramm für digitale Content-Produktion in Kultureinrichtungen.
The participation of Eglė Budvytytė is made possible with the kind support of the Kingdom of the Netherlands